Ebaytools - Freeware Ebay program, items database, Ebay Buyer and Seller Statistics

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Warning: the first start of the program takes up to 20 seconds - its ok, be patient, files are extracting in your temporary directory. Next time starting time will be shorter.

Click on any blank Item-cell to edit. Then paste ID-number in it.

Click somewhere to "leave" the cell. The fetching of page begin.

In a couple of second your article will showed.

Choose "Show Images" in context menu to show fotos.

Go to the "Database" tab. Try to search. For example if you write "5*" in first textfield and click "Search" button, you find all article where ID beginning with 5. Typing "damaged" in ItemDescription field to see all articles with "damaged" in Item description, and so on..

Choosing photo for thumbnail. Scroll to see image that you like to be thumbnail and click on it.

Browsing the database with freeware SQLite Control Center:

*** Ebaytools 0.0.15 - Readme

# License

read http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

This is ALPHA, use at your own risk.(Use Bit-O-Matic instead).


Auction.pm - use Config::General instead Config::Simple, 
(because flock using in Config::Simple not works on Win9x)
we have still problem running ebaytools on Win9x :-(

small bugfixes

# filelist

README.txt    - this file
docs/* - help files

source/ebaytools.ini - configuration file ( written by Dominic Ancheta )
source/Auction.pm  - Perl module for parsing of Ebay pages ( written by Dominic Ancheta )
source/ebaytools-0.0.x.pl - perl source, you need Perl and modules to be installed to run it

ebaytools-0.0.x.exe - executable, you dont need Perl installed to run it

actually you need only exe file to run ebaytools

# misc

If you have old database (before 0.0.4)
you should delete it, because structure of tables was changed.

Download SQLite Control Center programm if you like to 
view and browse your ebaytools.db database file.

# how to build exe from source

Check you have all required modules installed:


install patched Image::Magick:
ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/Image-Magick_.ppd
this package dont ask registry and is relocatable unlike original one.

To decrease size of resulting exe file you can remove some dlls 
and leave only this files (for processing bmp,gif,jpeg and png):

CORE_RL_bzlib_.dll     IM_MOD_RL_magick_.dll  configure.mgk
CORE_RL_jpeg_.dll      IM_MOD_RL_png_.dll     delegates.mgk
CORE_RL_lcms_.dll      Magick.bs              type.mgk
CORE_RL_magick_.dll    Magick.dll             english.mgk
CORE_RL_png_.dll       Magick.exp             type-ghostscript.mgk
CORE_RL_tiff_.dll      Magick.lib             locale.mgk
CORE_RL_ttf_.dll       X11.dll                log.mgk
CORE_RL_zlib_.dll      analyze.dll            magic.mgk
IM_MOD_RL_bmp_.dll     autosplit.ix           msvcr71.dll
IM_MOD_RL_gif_.dll     coder.mgk              
IM_MOD_RL_jpeg_.dll    colors.mgk             

Install PAR module, cd in source directory and run:
pp -o ebaytools-0.0.xx.exe -l noimage.bmp -l msvcp60.dll -l ebaytools.ini ebaytools-0.0.xx.pl

# credits

Dominic Ancheta - parsing Ebay-pages

Jean-Louis Morel  - patching Image::Magick, please visit
http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppmdir.html for more information. 

# contact

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